Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
trattoria complete details in ANACAPRI city, Napoli with Creative cuisine. trattoria La Rondinella and address Via Orlandi 245, 80071, with chef name and late opening and reservation available with parking space and outdoor posts ( terrace ).Complete informations and reservation for trattoria La Rondinella in city ANACAPRI, province Napoli in Italy

Trattoria La Rondinella

Address and reservation informations Trattoria La Rondinella
Via  Orlandi, 245
Telephone Number :+39 81- 8371223

Fax : +39 81- 8373314

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Ambiance Trattoria La Rondinella

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Air conditioning
Meeting Room

Restaurant Owner
Chef Name
Maitre Name
Sommelier Name
245 in 0 rooms
Posti aperti : SI
Elegant [ Nothing in particular ]
Piatto antico 'alla ciamurra'

Pergolato, anche pizzeria alla sera
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