Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
restaurant complete details in CAPUA city, Caserta with Traditional Italian cuisine. restaurant Dell' Hotel Mediterraneo and address S.S. Appia 7, 81043, with chef name and late opening and reservation available with parking space and outdoor posts ( terrace ).Complete informations and reservation for restaurant Dell' Hotel Mediterraneo in city CAPUA, province Caserta in Italy

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Mediterraneo

Address and reservation informations Restaurant Dell' Hotel Mediterraneo
 S.S. Appia, 7
81043 CAPUA(CE)
Telephone Number :+39 823- 961575

Fax : +39 823- 622611

Localizare pe harta Restaurant Dell' Hotel Mediterraneo

Ambiance Restaurant Dell' Hotel Mediterraneo

Restaurant Type
Number of seats

Air conditioning
Meeting Room

Restaurant Owner
Chef Name
Maitre Name
Sommelier Name
7 in rooms
Posti aperti : SI
Family [ Nothing in particular ]
Traditional Italian
Lasagna napoletana

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