Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
restaurant complete details in OROPA city, Biella with Traditional Italian cuisine. restaurant Croce Bianca and address Via Santuario di Oropa 480, 13813, with chef name with parking space .Complete informations and reservation for restaurant Croce Bianca in city OROPA, province Biella in Italy

Restaurant Croce Bianca

Address and reservation informations Restaurant Croce Bianca
Via  Santuario di Oropa, 480
13813 OROPA(BI)
Telephone Number :+39 15- 2455923

Fax : +39 15- 2455963

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Ambiance Restaurant Croce Bianca

Restaurant Type
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Air conditioning
Meeting Room

Restaurant Owner
Chef Name
Maitre Name
Sommelier Name
480 in rooms
Posti aperti : NO
Elegant [ Nothing in particular ]
Traditional Italian
Polenta Concia


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