Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
restaurant complete details in PIANELLA city, Pescara with Classic cuisine. restaurant Club dei Buongustai and address Via Francesco Verrotti 10, 65019, with chef name and air conditioning area with parking space .Complete informations and reservation for restaurant Club dei Buongustai in city PIANELLA, province Pescara in Italy

Restaurant Club dei Buongustai

Address and reservation informations Restaurant Club dei Buongustai
Via  Francesco Verrotti, 10
Telephone Number :+39 85- 973393

Fax : +39 85- 973393

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Ambiance Restaurant Club dei Buongustai

Restaurant Type
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Air conditioning
Meeting Room

Restaurant Owner
Chef Name
Maitre Name
Sommelier Name
10 in rooms
Posti aperti : NO
Family [ Nothing in particular ]
Scampi al coccio


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